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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Play FAU-G, not PUBG: Akshay Kumar launches FAU-G gaming app against PUBG, will give 20% revenue to soldiers


When glory beckons,where will you be? FAU-G:A made in India war game.

High up on the peaks at India’s northern border,an elite fighting group protects the nation’s pride and sovereignty.It’s a daunting task, for the most courageous:The Fearless and United Guards.

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The legislature as of late restricted bars. Presently Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has thought of another gaming application before Pubji. Akshay Kumar as of late tweeted about this.

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Play FAU-G, not PUBG

What did Akshay Kumar tweet?

Akshay Kumar tweet yesterday "I am glad to dispatch the activity game Fearless and United Guards FAU-G, under the Prime Minister's self improvement crusade. Notwithstanding amusement, the players of this game will likewise find out about the penances made by our troopers. 20% of the all out income from this game will be given to the Bharat or Veer Trust made for our officers.

Akshay Kumar launches FAU-G gaming app against PUBG,

Akshay Kumar's down is a top pattern on Twitter. In excess of 20,000 tweets were gotten in only one hour of India Trending.

PUBG was as of late restricted

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PUBG is one of the most notable versatile games in various countries, including India. The application has been downloaded 175 million times in India.

PUBG was made by South Korean PC game association Bluehole. Nevertheless, Chinese overall Tencent has a stake in it.

PUBG had furthermore been on target beforehand. Watchmen were amazingly vexed because of the penchant for certain adolescents. A couple of states even by chance limited it.

PUBG then guaranteed that he would make a protected environment by taking the perspectives on guardians, teachers and government associations.

5 crore clients of Pubji in India, income 22 thousand crore

PUBG has in excess of 50 million clients in India, of which roughly 35 million are dynamic clients. As indicated by information investigator firm Censor Tower, Pubji's income for the initial a half year of this current year is assessed at Rs 9,700 crore. Remained. Its complete income so far has crossed Rs 22,000 crore.

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 India was the biggest giver, with India having the most elevated number of downloads out of 175 million downloads on the planet.

FAU-G is a made-in-India PUBG Mobile elective that is being distributed by Bengaluru-based nCore games, and Indian game industry veteran Vishal Gondal and entertainer Akshay Kumar have additionally taken to Twitter to advance FAU-G. FAU-G is short for Fearless and United-Guards, and tweets advancing the game say it will give 20 percent of its income to the administration's raising money activity Bharat Ke Veer. Nonetheless, there is no word on the delivery date of FAU-G. It is likewise muddled whether the game will be restricted to cell phones or on the off chance that it will likewise get a PC rendition.

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