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Monday, May 23, 2022

Hair loss due to iron deficiency is also a risk factor for depression

Health Tips: 

Suddenly your body becomes sluggish, you feel tired even though you are not doing any heavy work. The skin turns yellow. The hair also becomes dull. Earlier a few hairs were broken but now there is a pile of hair. If you have any such problem then your body is deficient in iron.

Iron keeps the body strong
Iron is a mineral that is present in every cell in the body. The red color of blood is also due to iron. Iron strengthens red blood cells so that oxygen can reach all parts of the body. Iron deficiency in this body weakens the body's immune system.

Iron deficiency can also lead to premature birth in pregnant women who are at risk of anemia for pregnant women. The baby also weighs less than a normal newborn. At the time of delivery 740 mg of iron is excreted from the body, so the condition worsens. On the other hand, feeding the baby also causes iron deficiency in the mother.

Frequent blood donations can also lead to iron deficiency.
People who donate blood frequently and do not follow a proper diet can also suffer from iron deficiency. One and a half milligrams of iron is excreted from the body by donating blood once.

Don't drink tea, coffee, herbal tea and black tea before meals.
Tea, coffee, herbal tea and black tea contain polyphenols which do not allow the body to dissolve iron. When we drink tea and coffee before eating something rich in iron, iron does not dissolve in the blood. Then the body does not get enough iron. Tea and coffee can be taken one hour after the meal.

Cigarette smoking causes many problems.
Smoking significantly reduces the amount of iron in the body. When cigarette smoke enters our body, it prevents iron from dissolving in the blood.

If you have too much iron, it damages the liver and heart.
Having too much iron in the body is also harmful. When we take extra iron in food it is stored in the body. Gradually this iron begins to accumulate in the liver and heart tissues. Which can even lead to your death.

Many parents complain that their child does not learn to read and write according to age . Unable to utter words, the child's confidence stays down. If this is the case then maybe your child has an iron deficiency. The situation can improve if you pay attention to the diet.

Sleeping during the day, waking up at night
Many people sleep during the day when they cannot sleep at night. Such people should undergo iron test. There may be circadian rhythm disorder.

If you have stomach ailments, you will
have anemia if you have stomach ailments, if food is not digested properly, if you have acidity then there will be anemia in the body.

Consumption of black veins eliminates iron deficiency
In earlier times people used to consume black veins. It is still available in the market. Sugarcane juice is extracted while boiling. It contains not only iron and folic acid but also large amounts of vitamin B. Drinking shiro strengthens the bones. Dry hair also gets nourishment. Five teaspoons of veins contain 95 percent iron for the whole day.

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Did you know

About 70% of the body's iron is in the hemoglobin and myoglobin of red blood cells
The life of a red blood cell is 120 days
2 mg of iron is eliminated from the body automatically every day,
6% of iron is found in various enzymes in the body
1000 mg of iron is stored in an adult male which is sufficient for three years
A woman stores only 300 milligrams of iron, which is enough for three months
200-250 mg of iron is lost once blood is donated
Only 20 percent of the brain uses oxygen, so iron is needed to function properly
The body needs 18-21 grams of iron daily.

How much iron should be in the body

Children (1-11 years) 13-15 mg Teenagers (12-19 years) 17 mg Male 19-21 mg Women 17-19 mg Pregnant women 15 mg

Keep this in mind
Never take iron supplements without a doctor's advice. Which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, heart related diseases.
Adult iron supplements should never be fed to children. Otherwise the child may die.
Never take iron supplements on an empty stomach. Always take with food. It is also important that supplements should not be taken for more than a year.
Do not take multiple supplements at once. For example, don't forget to take iron with calcium.
Iron supplements can also be taken with vitamin C. Doctor is advised to take iron supplements along with orange juice.

also read વિદ્યાર્થીમિત્રો, થોડા દિવસોમા શાળાઓમા વેકેશન પડશે. વેકેશનમા ફ્રી સમયમા અંગ્રેજી બોલતા અને વાંચતા શીખી શકો તે માટે સરસ 60 વિડીયો આ લીંક પર આપેલા છે. દરરોજ તમારી અનુકુળતાએ 1-2 વિડીયો જોઈ સરળતાથી અંગ્રેજી શીખી શકસો.

This item is rich in Iron
Spinach: 100 g cooked spinach contains 3.6 mg of iron, which is 20% of daily intake. Spinach is also rich in vitamin C.
Broccoli: One cup of broccoli contains 1 mg of iron. Which is rich in Vitamin C.
Red Meat: 100 grams of red meat contains 2.7 iron, which is 15% of the daily requirement of iron.
Fish: Fish is also rich in iron. Salmon are also rich in calcium.
Beans: Kidney beans, soy beans, black beans are rich in iron.
Milk: Milk seeds are rich in iron. 28 grams of milk seeds are rich in 4.2 mg of iron.
Almonds:In which iron is abundant, there is no benefit in having more calcium.
Dark Chocolate: 28 grams of chocolate is rich in 3.3 mg of iron.

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