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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Looking 10 years younger than age? So do these 6 yogasanas, it will make the skin glow and stop hair loss

The art of retaining youth: 

Due to our bad lifestyle and food habits we have to face many health related problems but it has a direct effect on our skin and hair. We are always bothered by skin, aging and hair related problems.

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Yoga trainer Sumit Sharma says that yoga and pranayama help to balance blood circulation, which makes the skin look better and the hair thinner. So if your skin is dull or your hair is falling out, you can get rid of this problem by doing this yoga pose every day.

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Halasan: Get rid of skin related problems.
By doing this asana, the blood circulation in the body comes towards your face and head. In addition, it helps you to get rid of stomach related ailments which have a direct effect on your skin.

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો 

To do this asana, lie on your back and keep both your hands on the mat. Now slowly lift your legs up in a straight line and then bring your head back with the help of the waist. Take it up to the back of the head. Unless your feet touch the ground. Now stay in this posture according to your ability and then return to your normal position. Do this yoga 5 times daily.

Her daily practice will get rid of stomach related problems.

Sarvangasana: Best
Sarvansana or shoulder stand for hair puts pressure on your whole body. It helps to balance your body. This asana increases blood circulation in your brain. Doing it every day has a long lasting effect on the scalp and is beneficial for your dry and thinning hair.

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો 

To do this yoga, first go to bed with back burns. Now move the legs 90 degrees. Keep the legs in a straight line of the head. Keep the body upright so that the beard touches the chest. After staying in this position for a while, slowly return to the original position.

Sarvangasana is beneficial for hair.

Adho Mukh Swanasana: Skin will glow
Adho Mukh Swanasana is one of the 12 asanas performed during Surya Namaskar. This is an asana that increases blood circulation. Doing this asana allows oxygen to reach your skin pores and scalp, thereby increasing hair growth. It is also effective in keeping the mind calm.

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો 

To do this asana, lie down on the mat with your stomach burning. Then take a deep breath and lift the body by burning your legs and arms and make a table-like figure. Now slowly lift the hips upwards. Keep the shoulders and arms in a straight line during this exercise, now press the hands down to the ground and try to stretch the neck. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the ground.

Doing half mouth swanasana every day will make the skin glow.

Matsyasana: Eliminates Hair Related Problems
This asana, commonly known as fish pose, is one of the most effective asanas for strong, long and healthy hair. Doing this asana every day removes the hair problem.

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Sit comfortably in Padmasana and lie on your back with your hands and keep your elbows relaxed. Now bend the neck backwards as comfortably as you can. After this, hold the thumb with both your hands and keep the elbows on the ground. Stay in this position for a while and take a deep breath slowly and exhale slowly. Now lower the waist and chest with the help of hands and lie on the ground after staying in this position for a few seconds.

Matsyasana will eliminate hair and skin related problems.

Bhujangasana: Stress will be removed.
This asana works like a stress booster. It helps relieve your stress and fatigue, making your skin look refreshed.

also read તમારા મોબાઈલ માટે બેસ્ટ વાઇરસ ક્લીનર એપ્લીકેશન

Lie down on your stomach to do this asana. Now keep your arms straight along the length of the torso. Bring the hand forward and keep it close to the head. Slowly lift the chest upwards, placing the weight on the hands. After staying in this position for a while, lie back on the ground.

aLSO READ આ PDF સાચવી રાખો, વેકેશન કે રજાઓમા ક્યાંય ફરવા જવું હોય તો કામ લાગશે, સમગ્ર ભારતમાં આવેલ ગુજરાતી સમાજ ના એડ્રેસ અને ફોન નમ્બર આપેલ છે, જ્યાં વાજબી ભાવે રહેવા જમવાની સગવડ મળી જાય

Nail Scrubbing: According to effective research for thick hair
, rubbing nails together reduces hair loss. The intoxication under the nails is directly linked to the mood of the hair. So you can increase the blood circulation of the scalp by rubbing the nails, which can help your hair to grow.

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